SomantiX and EdgeLeap team-up to mine new anti-angiogenesis targets for cancer therapy

July 02, 2014

SomantiX and EdgeLeap team-up to mine new anti-angiogenesis targets for cancer therapy

SomantiX B.V. in Utrecht and the newly established data analysis company EdgeLeap B.V., founded by former TNO members will join forces to select new targets for cancer therapy through use of EdgeLeap’s extensive data mining experience.

SomantiX aims to select and validate targets for tumor vessel directed cancer therapy. These targets will qualify for development of binders that will be used for therapeutic and diagnostic applications.

Using EdgeLeap’s cutting edge data integration and mining technology, SomantiX will add value to their exclusive list of potential tumor vessel targets that have been identified through screening and differential expression analysis of tumor and normal tissues.

Markwin Velders, CEO of SomantiX comments: “The collaboration with EdgeLeap is the start of a long term relation. This will enable SomantiX to make an educated and data driven selection of the best possible targets through effective mining of all relevant public available databases. This will add significant value to both companies”.

“EdgeLeap’s data integration and mining technology is a perfect fit to SomantiX need for making fast and costly decisions based on complex information. In turn, collaboration with SomantiX provides an excellent demonstrator of applying EdgeLeap’s technology to enhance the client’s competitive edge”, says Marijana Radonjic, CEO of EdgeLeap. EdgeLeap integrates proprietary experimental findings with available, but scattered external data. By organizing and mining such information, EdgeLeap will help SomantiX to maximize knowledge about their potential tumor vessel targets and select the most promising candidates.

About SomantiX

SomantiX is a Dutch biotech company founded in 2008 by Aglaia Oncology Seed Fund. SomantiX focuses on the development of agents for imaging and therapy of solid cancers through targeting of tumor blood vessels. SomantiX R&D programs focus on target discovery and validation and drug development.

For more information:

About EdgeLeap

EdgeLeap is a Utrecht-based startup providing cutting edge bioinformatics solutions for bioscience industry. EdgeLeap applies network-based data integration and mining technology to extract maximal value out of client’s complex data. By organizing information into actionable knowledge, EdgeLeap empowers decision making processes in biosciences.

Check EdgeLeap website ( to discover how we can add value to your business.


Markwin Velders, PhD
CEO SomantiX B.V.
Padualaan 8
Hugo R. Kruyt building, Room O.807
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)30-7600976

Marijana Radonjic, PhD
Chief Executive Officer
EdgeLeap B.V.
Hooghiemstraplein 15
3514 AX Utrecht
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 6 52308940

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